Green Turf Shady Mixture
Ideal for providing a dense, dark green, highly attractive turf under shaded conditions.
Shaded Conditions – High or Low Maintenance
Ideal for providing a dense, dark green, highly attractive turf under shaded conditions. It is also adapted for use in the sun, particularly on lower maintenance sites. It is fairly easy to establish. It is not designed for areas that receive heavy traffic.
Suitable for:
• Commercial turf areas
• General turf and home lawns
• Shaded areas
• Sunny areas
• Droughty lawns
• Lower maintenance
30% Zodiac or Intrigue Chewings Fescue
30% Edgewood Creeping Red Fescue
25% Manhattan 5 GL, Apple GL or Pangea GLR Perennial Ryegrass
15% Mercury Kentucky Bluegrass
Seeding Rate:
New Seeding: 6 lbs. per 1,000 sq. ft.
Overseeding: 3 lbs. per 1,000 sq. ft.
50 lbs. covers 16,677 sq. ft.
25 lbs. covers 8.333 sq. ft.
10 lbs. covers 3,333 sq. ft.
5 lbs. covers 1,667 sq. ft.
3 lbs. covers 1,000 sq. ft.
1 lbs. covers 250 sq. ft.