Nature’s Premier Chopped Straw
Natures Premier
6 cu ft bale
An innovative chopped straw product which is versatile, all-natural and biodegradable. During production, our mill equipment chops locally sourced wheat straw making it virtually dust-free and highly absorbent. This results in a clean, soft and allergen free product while still maintaining the beautiful straw color.Our products is packaged in clear recyclable bags making it easy to store, transport and use.
Key Benefits
Dust free – resulting in improved air quality for animals and people
Odor free
Highly absorbent – more absorbent then wood shavings or wood pellets
Soft – resulting in comfortable bedding for your animal to rest and relax.
Compostable – breaks down within 2-3 months, which is 4x faster then wood chips
All natural product – no additives – oils, chemicals or dyes
Easy to muck
Easy to transport, store and use
Highly compressed – 1 bag of Natures Premier equal approximately 2 bags of traditional wood shavings.
A versatile product that can be used for:
Farm Animals – horses, sheep ,goats, cows, pigs and chickens
Household Pets – guinea pigs, hamsters, rabbits and ferrets
Gardening – safe to use for composting
Landscaping – ideal for planting seeds